Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Bitter bush

Several years ago I was doing some potting-up in a community nursery and the manager handed me a plant in a tube, which I planted in a shady area of my garden. It's grown beautifully in that spot and actually I have to prune it back so I can get down the path and access the grey-water pump. It pleases me very much.
Adriana quadripartita (glabrous form) Rare Bitter-bush really is rare, classified as endangered in Victoria. It's known from only a handful of spots on the calcareous sands on the Bellarine and Mornington peninsulas, but grows very easily from cuttings so it is being used in coastal planting. The male and female plants are separate and the one in my garden is a female. The two-armed styles are usually red (mine is very pale red), petals are absent, and there are up to seven flowers on each short spike.


Denis Wilson said...

Hi Boobook
A good example of one of those interesting plants. But I would have to paraphrase the old adage "it has face that only its mother could love". Not exactly a pretty plant. But interesting, I grant you.
Sounds like you are doing good work in establishing it in reveg work.

Gouldiae said...

Now that's a different one, (to me), Boobook. Nice one, and it's beaut that it is doing so well in your garden. Is the common name significant?