Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Pink Bells

Pink Bells or Black-eyed Susan, common names of a small shrub of the heath, Tetratheca ciliata. Usually the flowers are bright lilac-pink but occasionally I see white ones in the Annya forest at Milltown. Whatever their colour they never ever show their faces.

Darlot Creek photopoint

This blog is the next in a series of photos taken from the same photopoint on the Darlot Creek at Homerton. I've posted in previous years here and here. I'm recording changes over time.

When I started the project I wasn't really expecting to see much difference but in the last six years the blue gum plantation was planted and has grown very quickly, the creek flooded, there have been several years of drought and the tree in the middle background seems to be having a second lease of life. The willow on the left is also getting bigger which is a concern.

April 2011

October 2011

Saturday, 22 October 2011


Question. Why do blowflies congregate on tree debris on sunny days? The photos aren't great but in one you can see that there are thirteen in one small area. When I disturb them they buzz about noisily for a few seconds and then land again in the same area.

Yesterday we came down to our farm at Homerton for a few days but I'm a bit wary because today we've seen two Tiger Snakes and a leech has had a good feed of my blood!

The Wiltypolls (hairy sheep) we bought to keep the grass down around the house have pushed through the electrified fence into the farm paddock so the grass is rather long. They are very cute sheep but ... Hmmm. Plan B?

But my bird list is good so far. Forty-one species around the house paddock, including a Swamp Harrier. Haven't seen one of those here for years. And the Blue-winged Parrots are back in the same spot as last summer.

I'm amazed at how many White-necked Herons there are at the moment. There were one or two in nearly every swamp in the 300 kms between here and Geelong. I think that on the way home I'll gps each sighting and atlas them.